Resource sharing is the cornerstone of CIPHER’s mission. Below you can find a list of websites and resources vetted and compiled by our students. If you have any additional resources or opportunities you’d like to share with our team, please feel free to submit them in the form provided at the bottom of this page.
Tutorials & Internet Options
How to Create a Gmail Account
Lifewire details the step-by-step process of creating a personal Gmail account and includes a helpful, short tutorial video. For more in-depth step-by-step instructions on setting up email contacts, editing account settings, and using the apps drop down menu, check out GCF Global’s resource provided below.
Zoom Tutorial: Downloading, Navigating, & Troubleshooting
This helpful YouTube video is perfect for Zoom Beginners - it takes you through the purchasing and downloading process, demos the Zoom interface, and walks you through some common troubleshooting procedures.
How to Use Zoom
The following links include PDFs of step-by-step instructions for various Zoom activities like scheduling meetings, linking to your account to your online calendars, and the different ways to participate during a live meeting.
Microsoft Suite Tutorials
GCF Global provides tutorials on all Microsoft Office products, including past software releases (organized by year). New to Microsoft Office or want to refresh your skills? Their lessons offer a mix of text, video, interactive tools, and challenges to practice what you’ll be learning. Don’t have time for the lessons? Check out their quick tips documents!
Free & Low-Cost Internet Options
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance offers an excellent tool in finding the right internet provider for you, highlighted discounted rates during COVID-19. Most have eligibility limitations linked to income or program enrollment. The list also includes established, nationally available low-cost plans offered by nonprofit organizations.
New York City’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) offers a $30 discount on internet service each month. If eligible, you can also receive up to $100 off a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (after a co-pay between $10 and $50).
How to Become Tech Savvy Seniors in 10 Days
Aging in Place presents all-you-need-to-know tech savvy tutorials for seniors! The table of contents includes technology basics, how to use a computer, types of computers, and resources like workshops, books, and more online instruction.
Telehealth & Seniors
The Challenges of Telehealth for Seniors
This blog post, “How Telehealth Makes It Harder for Seniors to Get Healthcare” discusses how telehealth can increase access to care for some while creating barriers for others. One solution the blog offers is increasing access through traditional sites of care like community centers:
“Community centers can have the advantage of bringing together high tech services (e.g. telehealth) along with high touch services (e.g. real people). They usually have an existing system of caregivers and volunteers along with a variety of other social supports — meal programs, clubs, hobbies, and activities. Thus, telehealth services may be more easily offered and more likely to be used when embedded into a senior’s existing social fabric.”
How to Use Telehealth to Improve Home-based Care
Produced by AARP, this is a great resource for senior care providers, non profits, and community-based organizations grappling with senior health during COVID-19. While not specific to the pandemic context, the document provides examples of home telehealth strategies for different health management needs. The document also examines the benefits of telehealth services for family caregivers and adults with chronic conditions, telemonitoring, insurance coverage, barriers, challenges, and concerns.
Are we missing an important resource?
We’d like to know! Don’t hesitate - submit your resource, questions, or concerns in our contact form provided here. Your name is optional. We’d love to hear from you!