
Julia Rennert

Literature Review Volunteer & Co-founder, she/her/hers

Julia Rennert is a Master of Public Health (MPH) candidate at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health in the Sociomedical Sciences department with a Certificate in Health and Human Rights. Previously, she worked at the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania as an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America) building sustainability and capacity for the Young Quakers Community Athletics Program. The Young Quakers program creates athletic opportunities for middle school students at community schools in the West Philadelphia community and partners with University of Pennsylvania Varsity Athletes who act as mentors and coaches to the West Philly students on and off the field. At the Netter Center, Julia also worked on a task force that researched the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and trauma-informed practices and worked to encourage and implement mindfulness programming in schools.

Julia holds certifications in the National SEED Project (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity), Youth Mental Health First Aid, Positive Youth Development, and the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Practices. Julia studied Life Sciences Communication and Global Health at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has also worked in communications for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, which supports the scientific research at UW-Madison, and the Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation, which provides education and health services to women throughout the state of Wisconsin.

At Mailman, she is a founding member of the Child Health Resilience and Advocacy student organization. Julia’s research interests include human rights, global health, maternal and child health, and education.